complaints handling

Our clients matter to us. That’s why we are a proud member of the Financial Dispute Resolution Service (FDRS).

If you have a problem, or complaint about any part of our advice or service, please contact your Financial Adviser in the first instance so we can try to set it right.

Alternatively, you can put your complaint in writing to our Compliance Manager. An initial acknowledgment of receipt will be provided within one business day. The Compliance Manager will then formally acknowledge the complaint within five business days, and then in good faith, try to resolve the matter as per our internal complaints process.

Contact:  Compliance Manager, Cambridge Partners, PO Box 1378, Christchurch 8140

Phone: 03 364 9119


If the complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction using our internal process, you can access a free and independent resolution company, Financial Disputes Resolution Service, which will help with investigating or resolving your complaint. 

Contact:  Financial Disputes Resolution Service, Freepost 231075, PO Box 2272, Wellington 6140

Phone: 0508 337 337


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