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Find out how we can help

If you are interested to learn more about whether Cambridge Partners can help you, talk to us by booking a free 15-minute call. 

We will take the time to understand your situation, answer any questions and explain how we can help or point you in the direction of someone who can. We are excited to work with you.

Your journey towards financial clarity starts with a simple call.

elderly woman getting financial advice

what to expect

Discovery meeting

If, after your initial 15-minute call, we determine that we can add value to your situation, we might schedule a Discovery Meeting. This is the first step towards beginning your investment journey. 

We will conduct a deep dive to discover your financial situation and what you value and discuss your goals and objectives. 

This meeting can take between 60 to 90 minutes and can be done in-person or virtually. Following the Discovery Meeting, we will provide you with a proposal for services outlining how we can partner going forward.  

There is no charge for the Discovery Meeting. 

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