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Investing for your values: Socially Responsible Investing

Investing for financial gain and doing good do not have to be mutually exclusive concepts. We offer investors a range of portfolios to allow them to express their social and sustainable preferences with their investments.

How can you incorporate your values into your investments?

Individuals generally have three major ways of expressing their social and sustainability preferences:

  1. as consumers;
  2. as citizens; and
  3. as investors.

We offer a range of Socially Responsible Investing portfolios.

What is Socially Responsible Investing?

Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) is the broad term for an investment approach which seeks to consider investments delivering both a financial return and a social benefit. With an SRI approach the investment managers take a proactive role in ensuring each company they invest into acts responsibly on a range of environmental, social or governance (ESG) issues.

What is in our SRI model portfolios?

Each of our nine SRI model portfolios emphasise environmental sustainability while targeting higher expected returns, by employing the following principles:

  • Systematically evaluate company sustainability metrics across all major industries;
  • Emphasise investment in companies acting in more environmentally sound ways than their industry counterparts;
  • Exclude or underweight companies based on other key environmental and social considerations, while maintaining broad diversification; and
  • Employ a disciplined investment process that results in highly diversified and low-cost portfolios, and is targeted at the long-term drivers of higher expected return.

If you would like more details about our Socially Responsible Investment portfolio construction process and filters, please speak to one of our Advisers.

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