For those that remember the film starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson “The Bucket List” in 2007, you will be assimilated to the term. However, simply put it is a list of all the things you want to do and a set of goals that you would like to achieve “before you kick the bucket”.
When sitting down to create this it can be hard to go any further than some of the obvious. But, when creating your list it is not just about the goal and the things you write down initially. You may have always wanted to see New York but this is just a representation of the importance of travel that is part of your values. Your values are powerful drivers for your sense of achievement.
So, when setting out to write your ultimate bucket list here are some things to consider:
- List your values and identify activities that would allow you to engage in the values that you have.
- Think about sub areas of your life such as health, personal, work, spirituality, family, relationships leisure and community.
When you answer these questions about your values you can then delve into continuing your list beyond those that were written down primarily. All should be taking the SMART goal approach.
Specific: Goals need to be as specific as possible to make them real.
Measurable: Goals need to be able to be quantified.
Achievable: All goals need to be realistic and achievable. Not necessarily straight away but at some point in time.
Realistic: Goals need to be realistic and worthwhile.
Time-bound: Put down a date to make yourself accountable.
The content from this blogpost is from our book ‘So You Think You Are Ready To Retire’ a self-guide book to prepare you for retirement.
For a made to measure advice around your retirement or to order your copy of our book, contact us.